Hemorrhoid Banding
Hemorrhoids are swollen veins at the upper or lower end of the anal canal that can cause pain, bleeding, or other irritation. Increased abdominal/pelvic pressure prevents blood in these veins from returning to the heart, causing them to swell. While many people can get hemorrhoids, you are especially susceptible if you strain to pass bowel movements, do heavy lifting, have recently delivered a baby, or have a sedentary job.
A first step for many patients is to avoid the behaviors that caused hemorrhoids. For example, if you frequently strain to pass bowel movements, it may help for you to use a stool softener or low-dose laxative to avoid straining.
You may have also tried an over-the-counter medication for hemorrhoids. Or your primary care provider may have prescribed a medication. If these have not helped, there are other options. Hemorrhoids at the lower end of the anal canal (so-called “external hemorrhoids”) are best treated surgically. By comparison, hemorrhoids at the upper end of the anal canal (“internal hemorrhoids”) can be treated in an office procedure by one of our providers who is experienced with the CRH O’Regan hemorrhoid banding system.
What to Expect
The procedure is done in the office with no special preparation.
How to Prepare
See our Videos page for a demonstration of how the system works. You can also review the Hemorrhoid Banding Consent for Jash Bansal, MD and Alison Freeman, MD. There is no special bowel preparation needed before a hemorrhoid banding procedure.